Coronavirus Update



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide effort to contain it, it is for the safety of our patients and the community, we at NPXPRESS CARE  have decided to use alternate measures to care for our patients. Telemedicine is more than ever needed at a time like this. That’s why we are implementing it to respond to our patients healthcare needs.

In the meantime our team will be available by phone or by email for any urgent questions or concerns and will be working diligently to get us back on schedule. All non essential follow up will be postponed at a later date. 

We will keep you up to-date as we continue to follow CDC recommendations and guidelines placed by the state and federal governments. We will assess the situation on a day to day basis to determine the best decision for our patients and staff.

  • Practice good hand washing techniques

  • Keep your personal area clean

  • Practice Social distancing

Be safe, stay home if you don’t need to be out.

Make your appointment here.